municipal bodies

Verbandsgemeinde Konz

local councils

local councils

On Sunday, may 26, 2019 were held in local elections

  • for the local churches Kanzem, Nittel, Oberbillig, Onsdorf, Pellingen, Tawern, Temmels, Wasserliesch, Wawern, Wellen and Wiltingen Local mayors, deputies and local councillors 
  • and the mayor of the local districts of Köllig and Rehlingen in the local community of Nittel.

On the following pages, the names of the new mayors, mayors, municipal council members and deputies are published - each after the constitutive meetings.

  • local community of Kanzem

    local mayor

    John Peter Mertes
    Kirchstrasse 19
    54441 Kanzem
    Phone: 06501 - 1 71 63

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Kanzem local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Nittel

    local mayor

    Peter Leo Hein
    In the Hübelgarten 44
    54453 Nittel-Köllig
    Phone: 06584 - 71 27
    Mobile: 0170 – 85 155 74

    The mayors


    Lotta Oittinen
    At the Gray Stone 5
    54453 Nittel-Köllig
    Phone: 06584 - 992116


    Martin Ewald
    In the Burggarten 11
    54453 Nittel-Rehlingen
    Phone: 06583 - 9949725

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Nittel local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Oberbillig

    local mayor

    Andrew Beiling
    Lerchenweg 3
    54331 Oberbillig
    Phone: 06501 – 1 86 25

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Oberbillig local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Onsdorf

    local mayor

    Klaus Fuchs
    Hubertusstr. 15
    54456 Onsdorf
    Phone: 06584 – 4 58

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the local council of Onsdorf can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Pellingen

    local mayor

    Andreas Steier
    ILindenstrasse 16
    54331 Pellingen
    Phone: 06588 -1983760

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Pellingen local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Tawern


    Ursula Clemens
    In the Brühlmorgen 39
    54456 Tawern
    Phone: 06501 – 15685

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the local council of Tawern can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Temmels


    Doris Opitz-Köbernik
    In den Kampen 5
    54441 Temmels
    Phone: 06584 -9109104

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the local council of Temmels can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Wasserliesch

    local mayor

    Thomas M Thelen
    Bottom flower 26
    54332 Water Lily
    Phone: 06501 – 96 96 260
    Fax: 06501 – 18 06 01
    Mobile: 01578 - 8167072

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Wasserliesch local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Wawern

    local mayor

    Karl Peter Binz
    local mayor
    Under the Herrenberg 10
    54441 Wawern

    Phone: 06501 - 60 11 648
    Mobile: 0170 - 3 54 41 66

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Wawern local council can be found HERE

  • community of waves

    local mayor

    Dietmar Haag
    In Bungert 2
    54441 waves

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Wellen local council can be found HERE

  • Municipality of Wiltingen

    local mayor

    Reinhard Orth
    Scharzhofstrasse 264
    54459 Wiltingen
    Phone: 06501 /6027959

    The local council

    Information about the representatives of the Wiltingen local council can be found HERE