Tenders and publications
Awarding office of the Verbandsgemeindewerke Konz AöR
The awarding office of Verbandsgemeindewerke Konz AöR supervises all award procedures
- VOB (procurement and contract regulations for construction work)
- UVgO (sub-threshold procurement regulations for public supply and service contracts below the EU threshold values)
- VgV (Ordinance on the award of public contracts -Procurement Ordinance-)
We provide interested companies with all tender documents, including plans and expert opinions on the current tender procedures, in digital form free of charge on the “ELViS” tendering platform from Subreport.
By switching to e-tendering, a significant amount of paper is saved and at the same time you can submit your offers more easily and quickly. Information about the procedure will be sent to you automatically.
To take part in the award process and submit offers electronically, you can go to https://www.subreport-elvis.de/anmelde.html register for free.
If you have any further questions, you can find out more at
- www.subreport-Elvis.de or directly at
- Telephone: 0221 98 57 80
Here you will find all announcements from the contracting authority of Verbandsgemeindewerke Konz AöR that are required to be published. This includes public tenders, prior information about intended, restricted tenders, notices of awarded contracts and participation competitions.
The Verbandsgemeindewerke Konz AöR is currently inviting tenders for the following work:
Public tenders
award rule Elvis ID Project Title & Notice submission
Konz-Könen Industrial Area - Brunnenstraße, development of cul-de-sac - tender for planning services
February 27, 2025 10:30 am
Restricted Tenders
award rule Elvis ID Project Title & Notice submission deadline VOB
E55729829 Renewal DMS Steinberger Straße Konz-Filzen February 20, 2025
10:30 amAssigned Orders
Advance notices of planned contract awards
Currently no advance announcements