"Au bord de l'eau" by Bertrand Ney
"Au bord de l'eau"
by Bertrand Ney

The end: Stones by the River by Dr. Baerbel Schulte
The Luxembourg sculptor Bertrand Ney in his work "Au bord de l'eau" refers to the river that separates or connects Luxembourg and Germany, depending on the viewer's point of view. The two-part work has found its place right next to the landing stage for the ferry that takes people back and forth every day. Like a boat pulled onto the shore, the large stone rests on the smaller one. Soft waves cover its surface. Denying its actual materiality, it adapts to the gently moving water surface of the Moselle. In the course of time, the first delicate mosses and lichens have already nested in the fine traces and lines carved into the stone by the sculptor's tools, which further reinforces the impression of softness. Involuntarily one thinks "panta rhei", because like the river and the environment, the stone is also subject to constant natural change.
Bertrand Ney ne a Rodemack, France, en 1955, de 1978 ä 1985 Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Nancy et Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paris, diplomas with mention, vit et travaille ä Luxembourg.
- Artiste plasticien professionnel independently, expose regulation depuis 1984 et participe a des evenements culturels tel la Biennale de Venise
en 1993, et represente le Luxembourg avec a monumental sculpture ä PExposition de Seville en 1992, plus de 10 symposiums de sculptures
sur pierres en Europe et other continents et a co-organise en 1990 le premier symposium international de sculptures au Grand-Duche de Luxembourg
ä Diekirch, ainsi que le Symposium international au Parc naturel de la Haute-Sure ä Lultzhausen en 1998. - Collaboration with architects, urbanists and paysagists for urban projects and a realization of designs and fonts in Fespace public.
- Member of the Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg 1994 prix Pierre Werner, member of the Institute Grand-Ducal, section des Arts et des Lettres. Present in the collections pubiliques et privees.