Isabelle Federkeil

1958 born in Freisen
- lives and works in Berlin and Freisen
1977 high school diploma
1977‑1979 Academy of Fine Arts Munich
1979‑1982 Apprenticeship as a stone sculptor
from 1982 freelance sculptor
1989‑1992 lectureship at the Saarbrücken University of Applied Sciences
1992 Scholarship Portugal - Centro internacional de Escultura
1996-1997 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris France
2000 work stay in Tunisia
1989 Accrochage of the gallery in the Zwinger St. Wendel
Gallery L'Oeil Forbach
1990 State Chancellery Saarbrücken Landtag Saarbrücken
Museum St. Wendel
1992 Wasserwerk Scheidt Saarland Museum Modern Gallery
1993 Museum Mia-Münster-Haus St. Wendel
1994 Gallery Monumental Lisbon
1995 Espace Bateau Lavoir Paris gallery in the Zwinger St. Wendel
Chateau de Bourglinster Grand Duche de Luxembourg
1996 Gallery Clairfontaine Luxembourg Grand Duché de Luxembourg
1997 City Internationale des Arts Paris
Gallery Akiè Aricchi Paris
possibly City Church St. Wendel Gallery BieverRisch Luxembourg
Konstforum Norrkoping Sweden
1998 Minimal Art Discount Luxembourg "File not Found" Luxembourg
1999 Symposium Oberbillig Gallery Contemporana
2000 "Prisons" Michaelskirche Saarbrücken
State art exhibition of the Saarland Visions 2000 Merzig
2001 "Mouvements" Art Center Ken Tunisia "Silhouettes"
Brahms Berlin
2002 Book Julius Stuttgart; "Shoe sizes": Casino Luxembourg,
Forum d'Art Contemporain
+ K4 gallery Saarbrücken + gallery white elephant Berlin