Imperial Villa Conc
The imperial palace is probably an imperial, very spacious building complex from the 4th century AD, which was also built by the Roman poet Ausonius in the Mosella in 371 AD. is mentioned. Thus, numerous laws were signed by Emperor Valentinian in "contionacum". The system was probably used all year round, at least the heating system suggests this. Unfortunately, the majority of the complex was destroyed and built over when the new church of St. Nikolaus was built.
So far, there has hardly been any tourist use, and the location was unknown to many citizens. In 2004, an agreement was reached with the specialist departments involved not to excavate further areas of the complex, but to secure the finds to date and to use them for structural and media purposes. The prerequisite for the realization of the measure was the conclusion of a usage contract between the city of Konz and the Catholic parish of St. Nikolaus. On the administrative side, the concept as a preliminary plan and the cost estimate were developed by Department 3 Civil Engineering. In March 2006, the building committee and in April the city council were able to pass the basic resolution for the measure. The Stolz & Kintzinger office in Trier was commissioned with the further planning work.
The historically proven rooms were indicated by means of plaster bands, so that one can well imagine today what the dimensions of the complex were. The walls to Sister Marcellina Way have been repaired.

The height development of the imperial palace was made visible by a steel sculpture that is illuminated in the dark and shows 2 window arches. At 5 information boards, the visitor can find out the meaning and the historical references at different locations. The work was completed in autumn 2007 and the measure was settled with the ministry. The entire complex is now in a condition that makes the visit attractive for individual visitors as well as for school classes and tour groups.
The budget of €115,000 was also met thanks to the support of the municipal building yard. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate, which made the measure possible in the first place with a subsidy of €73,570 from FAG funds, was significantly involved in the measure, as well as the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, the University of Trier, Department of Archeology, the Catholic Parish of St. Nicholas, the Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Museum in Trier, the construction companies involved: Bürgerservice in Saarburg, Zimmer in Graach and Ensch Media in Trier, as well as the company RWE.
With the realization of the facility, the city of Konz wants the citizens of Konz to take advantage of this offer and raise awareness of the Roman traces more than in the past. For more information, please contact Saar-Obermosel-Touristik
The measure "Structural and medial valorization of the late Roman imperial palace in Konz" was subsidized by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, represented by the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture, with €73,570 from FAG funds.