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worth seeing

Grana monument

Grana monument

Grana monument on the Granahöhe

the Grana height is an approximately 30 meter high, wooded rock terrace at the western foot of the 347 meter high Liescher Berg near the Moselle in the municipality of Wasserliesch in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is located about 10 km south-west of Trier on the edge of a widening valley near the confluence of the Saar and Moselle, near the town of Konz.

The Granahöhe is reminiscent of the imperial general Otto Heinrich Marchese de Grana , who commanded the right wing of an anti-French coalition army from this hill on August 11, 1675 in the "Battle of the Konzer Bridge" and made a significant contribution to its victory. The opponents under the command of Marshal Francois de Bonne de Créqui were crushingly defeated. The joy after the battle at the Konzer Bridge didn't last long either. As early as 1681, Konz was again occupied by French troops...

The event was commemorated on August 7, 1892 on the Granahöhe Grana monument . However, the Grana monument does not adorn the statue of the general, but a mighty imperial eagle. Conceived in the era of Wilhelminism, it symbolizes the German national consciousness that grew stronger after the founding of the Reich in 1871, but also breathes the spirit of that contemporary propaganda that believed it recognized France as a hereditary enemy.

It is remarkable that the Grana monument does not adorn the statue of General Grana, but rather a rather belligerent imperial eagle. Two Franco-German wars followed even after the monument was erected.

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