life in conc

community nurse plus

community nurse plus

State project community nurse plus

After the state project community nurse plus started in September 2022 in the associated municipalities of Hermeskeil and Ruwer, Angela Veneziano, a specialist, started work in the associated municipality of Konz at the beginning of October.

The community nurse plus is available to elderly people over the age of 80 who are not in need of care. She advises the seniors who contact her. With their approval, she also makes home visits. The specialists look at the social and medical situation together with the seniors. They advise, for example, on the housing situation, household chores, mobility and hobbies. The goal is for older people to be able to stay in their apartment or house for as long as possible.

Angela Veneziano has her office in Konz (Karthäuser Strasse 64). She can be reached by phone on 0171 8681646 or by email .