Active in old age


Active in old age

Traces of time measurement

Traces of time measurement

The action group “Lifelong learning, actively passing on knowledge” followed the trail of time measurement

On May 15, 2024, 45 interested participants visited the Saarland Clock Museum . One of the few museums in Europe that Development of time measurement from antiquity to the present exhibits, ie from the sundial to the atomic clock. They were given a guided tour with exciting information and one or two anecdotes about special clocks shown in the exhibition.

Photo right: Marie-Antoinette's clock from 1785 Photo left: Rubidium atomic clock from 2000 (with 100 times more accuracy than the CS2, which is responsible for the Central European Time) © Photos taken from the website of the Saarland Clock Museum

After lunch, another highlight of the excursion followed: The Visit to the Schlossberg caves The Schlossberg caves are a medieval sand mine, i.e. a man-made tunnel system. During the tour, participants received information about the various uses over the past decades. The caves provide a unique insight into the Schlossberg history of the Lower Bunter Sandstone.

©Photo: Gabriele Meter-Lehnen shows the participants of the excursion “Lifelong learning, actively passing on knowledge”

Even though the excursion took place on a rainy day, everyone was in a good mood on the way home and very pleased with this very informative excursion.