08/08/2023 On the way in Saarbrücken and at the pharmaceutical wholesaler NOWEDA08.08.2023Action group "Lifelong learning, actively passing on knowledge" on the road in Saarbrücken and at the pharmaceutical wholesaler NOWEDARead more
07/24/2023 Elderly and elderly care Visit to the BUGA in Mannheim24.07.2023Action group "Lifelong learning, actively passing on knowledge" visited the BUGA in MannheimRead more
07/12/2023 Seniors & Elderly Aid Excursion to the treasury of the Trier City Library12.07.2023Read more
03/23/2021 SENIORS & ELDERLY HELP Successful start to the series of educational trips23.03.2021... the partnership for democracy in the VG KonzRead more