Active in old age


Excursion to the currently largest work of art in Trier

Excursion to the currently largest work of art in Trier

Actively pass on news from the Action Group for Lifelong Learning and Knowledge 

The action group "Lifelong learning, actively passing on knowledge" was on September 29, 2021 since the beginning of the pandemic on the first excursion to the currently largest work of art (58 x 13m) in Trier. The work of art is attached to a scaffolding on the Petrisberg in Trier, on the building of the Ecole Maternelle, which is currently being built by the EPG (Society for Urban Project Development). The Trier screen printing artist, Anja Streese, explained to the participants of the excursion the well over 100 prints of buildings, sights and quotes from people, all of which are related to the creation and development of the Petrisberg site. Then a visit to the artist's studio was on the agenda. There Anja Streese explained the technique of screen printing. The participants were fascinated by the practical demonstration of the "old craft". The artist then presented each participant with an original work of art from the presentation. Finally, everyone met in the Fourside Plaza Hotel, where Anja Streese explained her current works in her exhibition. The impressions of the excursion were exchanged over coffee and cake and all participants were happy about what they had experienced, what they had learned and the personal exchange after such a long absence.