Strengthening the infrastructure for cycling
The town and the Konz municipality want to strengthen cycling. The existing cycle paths along the Saar and Moselle already provide many safe sections of route that are suitable for cycling. These are mainly used by tourists. The aim is to create routes for everyday traffic that make cycling more comfortable and attractive. The town of Konz and the Trier-Saarburg district have therefore drawn up two cycling concepts in which citizens were able to contribute their suggestions and wishes. Measures from these concepts will be gradually implemented in the coming years. These include smaller measures such as new signage and bicycle parking facilities, but also larger measures such as the widening and renovation of existing (cycle) paths. In addition, the commuter cycle route is being created with federal funding, which will run from Konz train station via Karthaus through Trier to Schweich.
On this page you can find out about the cycling concepts, the commuter cycle route and current information about cycling. To report damage to cycle paths, you can HERE our suggestion and damage reporter to use.