Offers for children, youth and families
Counseling services for children, youth and families in Konz:

You don't have an apprenticeship position yet or have questions about a job, application, job interview or specific job prospects?
The advice is aimed at young people who want to find out more about their options after school or about apprenticeships or internships. They also receive support in preparing application documents.
The consultation hour is of course free of charge and takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month from 3 p.m. in the youth center instead of.
One prior registration (0173-3239748 or at is recommended, then you don't have to wait unnecessarily. It is also possible to arrange individual appointments.

The Social Space Center (SRZ) Konz is a contact and advice center for youth welfare services.
The aim of this facility is to tailor youth welfare services by making optimal use of the structures available on site.
In the SRZ Konz, specialists from the Caritas Association, the Saar-Mosel Social Works and the Palais e.V. work together and advise parents, single parents, stepfamilies, children and young people, specialists in kindergartens, schools and care facilities.
Social room center Konz - Schillerstrasse 24 - 54329 Conc
) Telephone: 06501 8099770 or email: