Officer for Seniors
The representative for seniors takes care of the special interests of older people within the Konz municipality and represents them in dealings with the council and administration, among other things.
Demographic change, age structure, aging society - these are just a few key words that represent the current population development. In Konz, too, more than 27%, i.e. more than a quarter of the residents, are over 60 years old, and the trend is rising. The needs of this age group have fundamentally changed.
The senior citizens' representative has the opportunity to bundle and channel the interests of senior citizens. An important social group gets a mouthpiece through the senior citizens' representative. Due to the demographic trend, this will gain in importance.
Mr. Hurth not only liaises with the administration but also with and between the numerous groups and providers of various group-specific services and advice. This leads to better utilization of existing offers and thus represents an increase in quality of life.
At the same time, the gradual and constantly changing interests and ideas of senior citizens are processed with the bundling function and can thus be incorporated into the decisions of the municipal committees. In this way, seniors can be integrated into society as a whole in the best possible way.
Current events of the Senior Citizens' Representative
“Moving & Connected” – new offer for people over 60
Make contacts, be active together and promote prevention through exercise: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, An open meeting for people aged 60 and over starts in Konz. "Moving & Connected" is the new Offer from the Turngemeinde (TG) Konz and the senior citizen representative of the VG , Hermann Hurth. You can expect a cozy get-together with coffee and cake and the opportunity to make new contacts and exchange ideas. You can also get some exercise: with a gentle introduction to sporting activities, you can get your body and mind moving.
The meetings will take place at regular intervals from March onwards on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The venue is the newly designed bistro in the TG Konz sports centre. For better planning, please register – either by phone at 06501-946680 or by email: or . If necessary, a transport service is also available. Whether you are looking for a sociable afternoon or feel like getting a bit of exercise, you are very welcome at “Bewegt & Verbunden”.
“Digital Heroes” enter the third round
How do I search for a phone number on the Internet using my smartphone? And how does video calling with grandchildren work? These are some of the questions that will be answered in the “Digital Heroes” project. This is the third time that the popular cross-generational smartphone training for seniors has been offered. The new course, which lasts several weeks and was launched by the senior citizen representative of the Konz district council, starts on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 in the rooms of the Realschule plus in Konz.
What's special about the project: These are not ordinary lectures by experts. They are students from the "Digital Heroes" working group who want to turn the participants into digital heroes over a period of several weeks. They answer the seniors' questions, show how to use the smartphones directly on the phone, but also explain the dangers of using them - all in very small groups, which makes intensive support possible. The seniors themselves determine the pace and the topics.
Places for the smartphone project are limited. Please register for the event . Contact: Hermann Hurth, phone: 01702 782677 or by email at: