and supports the Climate Alliance campaign CITY CYCLING
In the CITY CYCLING campaign of the Climate Alliance, citizens throughout Germany pedal for more climate protection. In addition to the fun of cycling, the campaign is about getting as many people as possible to switch to cycling in everyday life and thus make a contribution to climate protection.
The Verbandsgemeinde of Konz is from September 4th to 24th, 2022 with the party. During this period, anyone who lives, works, belongs to a club or attends school in the city of Konz can take part in the Climate Alliance's CITY CYCLING campaign. The aim is to collect as many kilometers by bike as possible. Every kilometer that is covered by bike for work, leisure or vacation during the campaign period can be counted. Interested parties can register now CITY CYCLING - Verbandsgemeinde Konz .
“Years ago, cycling was mainly reserved for children and recreational athletes. Today, the bicycle has also established itself as a means of transport for everyday traffic, in addition to its tourist use. We want to further increase the share of cycling in transport performance and thus not only contribute to climate protection, but also to improving the quality of life in Konz," says Mayor Joachim Weber.
Stadtradeln relies on joint action when participating. Therefore, participation takes place in teams. A team can already consist of two people and can be put together, for example, from family members, friends, colleagues, fellow students, classmates or club members. Individuals can join the "Open Team - Konz" and collect kilometers there together.
The Climate Alliance honors the most active cyclists nationwide and individual cyclists. The CITY CYCLING competition is all about having fun cycling and great prizes, but above all about getting as many people as possible to switch to cycling in everyday life and thereby make a contribution to climate protection. If around 30 percent of short distances of up to six kilometers in city centers were cycled instead of by car, around 7.5 million tons of CO2 could be avoided.
Who can participate?
Anyone who lives, studies, works, attends a club or goes to school in the Konz municipality can take part.
Since climate change can only be influenced together, participation takes place in teams. A team can already consist of two people and can be put together, for example, from family members, friends, colleagues, fellow students, classmates or club members. Individuals can join the "Open Team - Konz" and collect kilometers there together.
The teams are coordinated by a team captain. Spontaneously founded teams can still register after the campaign has started.How can I sign up?
All participants register once for CITY CYCLING 2022 with their email and name. If you were already registered last year, you can use your old login data.
You can only register as a team member if your own team has already been entered by the team captain. You can only register in one team. If you don't belong to a team, you can join the "Open Team - Konz".
The team captains register their team online with the team name they have chosen. To do this, first select "Konz" as the city, then an extra field appears for the individual name of the team. Team captains can also use their access to manage cyclists who do not have internet access. In the cycling calendar, under "Settings", you can enter the number of relevant people who you manage via your user account. School classes or families can also manage their kilometers together.
How do I record my cycled kilometers?
Every kilometer that is covered by bike for work, leisure or vacation from September 4th to 24th, 2022 can be counted. Only cycling competitions are excluded from the recording. A route planner is integrated into the cycling calendar, which calculates the kilometers traveled after entering the starting point and destination. There are different ways to record the kilometers traveled.
As a single team member
All participants enter the kilometers they have cycled themselves in the online cycling calendar. You have to register once for this. After that, a simple registration is possible, similar to an e-mail account.
Those who do not have Internet access can also enter the kilometers in a kilometer registration form. The registration forms are submitted weekly to the respective team captain. They then enter the kilometers traveled online in the team's cycling calendar.
As a group
Families, school classes or the team management can also collect the total kilometers of the team members as a group. In this case, however, the mileage can no longer be assigned to individual team members and is only recorded as a whole.
The results of the teams and the city as a whole are below www.stadtradeln.de released. The performance of the individual cyclists is not shown on the internet. All kilometers ridden should be entered daily in the online cycling calendar so that teams and municipalities can be compared.
The deadline for entering the kilometers cycled is seven days after the end of the campaign in Konz, i.e. on October 3, 2021.
What are the duties of the team captain?
As the captain, you are the driving force behind your cycling team and are available to give advice and support to your team members.
You register your team once for the online cycling calendar. During the promotion period from September 4th to 24th, 2022, you can enter the kilometers driven online by team members who do not have internet access on a daily or weekly basis.
You set up your team with a short text and picture www.stadtradeln.de in front. You are also the contact person for the CITY CYCLING coordination center and pass on all current information (interim status of the kilometers ridden so far) to your team.
If possible, you and your team will report on your city cycling experiences on social networks. Of course you can also film a tour or your team in action and publish the videos on Youtube.
City cycling star
Would you like to become a Konzer STADTRADEL star?
To do this, you have to do without the car completely during the three-week campaign period and cover as many routes as possible by bike.
Reports from the last few years show that it can be done, but that it sometimes takes effort. The way to work, to shopping, to sports..., all routes are completed in all weather conditions without a car.