life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz

Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz

The city of Konz will be demanding significant civic participation in the coming months. Two projects will be launched in the spring. The goal is to enhance the city center with new design elements, among other things, and make it more attractive for pedestrians of all ages and cyclists.

The first project is called "Pedestrian Traffic Check." The city of Konz applied to the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Transport and has now been approved. The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life and well-being through pedestrian-friendly and barrier-free paths and squares.

Two walkthroughs are planned in pre-determined areas of the city. In an initial workshop, citizens will help determine the exact route, address potential problems for pedestrians, and discuss proposed solutions. Those interested can, for example, wear special glasses that simulate vision problems during the walkthroughs. This will quickly identify the problems. In a concluding workshop, the proposed solutions will be explored in more detail, and possible next steps will be discussed.

A second project, which will launch in the coming weeks, is called "Inner City Impulses." A team of experts in inner-city development has now been commissioned for this project. Funded by the Ministry of the Interior, the topics are broader. The focus is on the question: How can the inner city be preserved and strengthened as a vibrant place to live, work, and enjoy life? Specifically, in addition to making it more attractive for pedestrians, it also addresses cycling and design options, such as urban green spaces, to enhance the quality of life.

Here, too, citizens of all ages are invited to contribute their ideas. Interested parties can contribute suggestions, including during an action day. The work process will culminate in a vision statement next year with numerous new ideas for the city center.

The dates for the inspections and the action day will be announced soon.