New mobile warning system is being tested in Wiltingen
On Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 10 am For the first time in Rhineland-Palatinate a nationwide As was the case with the nationwide warning day in September, the functionality of warning options is being tested as part of disaster control, e.g. apps and, above all, "cell broadcast", which will ensure that the warning message reaches all modern smartphones.

Photo: This is what the new mobile warning systems for fire engines in the VG Konz look like.
For the first time, a mobile warning system tested, which can be installed quickly and easily on fire engines. The background: The normal sirens in the Konz municipality can technically only emit the sound to alert the fire brigade. The sound for the disaster control to warn the population sounds different: It is not a continuous tone that is interrupted twice, but a rising and falling siren that is different from the normal alarm. The Konz municipality has therefore purchased four mobile warning systems, and two more were provided by the district. These new systems can emit the correct tone and then also the all-clear tone. The new system will be tested on March 13, 2025 at 10 a.m. with a warning drive through Wiltingen, which is often affected by flooding.