"Healthy in Old Age" - Presentation of Aids
The "Healthy in Old Age" series has now become firmly established as a program for seniors in Konz. This year, from March to May, events will be held on the topics of healthy sleep, everyday helpers, diabetes, and exercise.
The series is organized by GemeindeschwesterPlus in the Konz district, the Konz Care Support Center, and the Konz-Karthaus Neighborhood Management. Participation in the events is free, but prior registration is required. The second event in the series will take place on April 3 and informs about “ little everyday helpers” .
Anyone who is limited in their ability to perform everyday tasks due to an illness or disability knows how important it is to have access to appropriate aids to lead as independent a life as possible. Aids for daily living (such as a walker, a reacher, a stocking puller, a reading and writing aid, a swivel cushion, special cutlery, and much more) facilitate or enable independent performance of activities such as dressing and undressing, eating and drinking, grasping, personal hygiene, and mobility.
The event will provide an overview of the wide range of useful aids available, and various everyday aids will be presented and can be tried out on-site. The event is being held in cooperation with the medical supply store KoMed.
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 3 – 5 p.m.
Parish hall of the Protestant parish of Konz-Karthaus, Karthäuser Str. 151, 54329 Konz
Speakers: Employees of KoMed (medical supply store, orthopedic technology, rehabilitation technology)
Registration is required by March 27th with the Community Nurse Plus, Mrs. Angela Veneziano, by email to veneziano.angela@caritas-region-trier.de or by phone at 0171 – 86 81 646
Other Events:
Lecture: “Diabetes Mellitus Type II – Development and Prevention”
Monday, April 28, 2025, 3 – 5 p.m.
Care Center Konz, Karthäuser Str. 157, 54329 Konz
Speaker: Angela Veneziano, Community Nurse Plus
Registration by 21.04. by email to veneziano.angela@caritas-region-trier.de or by phone at 0171 86 81 646
Movement-activating walk
Monday, May 19, 2025, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Konz-Karthaus Monastery Park
Visitation companion: Angela Veneziano, Community NursePlus
Registration by 12 May by email to veneziano.angela@caritas-region-trier.de or by phone at 0171 86 81 646
Further information about the event series can be found at www.zuhausinkarthaus.de