life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

“Digital Heroes” enter the third round

“Digital Heroes” enter the third round

February 24, 2025

How do I search for a phone number on the Internet using my smartphone? And how does video calling with grandchildren work? These are some of the questions that will be answered in the “Digital Heroes” project. This is the third time that the popular cross-generational smartphone training for seniors has been offered. The new course, which lasts several weeks and was launched by the senior citizen representative of the Konz district council, starts on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 in the rooms of the Realschule plus in Konz.

What's special about the project: These are not ordinary lectures by experts. They are students from the "Digital Heroes" working group who want to turn the participants into digital heroes over a period of several weeks. They answer the seniors' questions, show how to use the smartphones directly on the phone, but also explain the dangers of using them - all in very small groups, which makes intensive support possible. The seniors themselves determine the pace and the topics.

Places for the smartphone project are limited. Please register for the event . Contact: Hermann Hurth, phone: 01702 782677 or by email at: