life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Information event on recurring contributions in Krettnach

Information event on recurring contributions in Krettnach

The municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate are legally obliged to collect contributions for the expansion of roads. In the past, often only the property owners on the specific road being expanded were required to pay contributions. However, due to a change in the Municipal Tax Act, there have been "recurring road construction contributions" since January 1, 2024 at the latest. This means that, unlike the previous one-off contribution, the costs for the expansion of a traffic facility are passed on to all property owners in the corresponding billing unit.

In Konz-Krettnach, recurring road construction contributions were introduced in 2022. In this billing unit, contribution obligations arose due to the expansion of the sidewalks, street lighting and other ancillary facilities along the L 138 state road in the Krettnach town center.

As part of an information event this week, property owners were informed about the billing system for recurring contributions and the contribution billing for the 2022 billing year. Questions about this were answered by the municipal administration.

The presentation presented at the event can be viewed here: