Golden badge of honor for firefighters in the VG Konz
At a ceremony in the Trier-Saarburg district administration, District Administrator Stefan Metzdorf awarded twelve firefighters from the Konz collective municipality the Golden Fire Service Medal for their many years of commitment. At 35 and 45 years of age, the deserving firefighters can look back on a long time in their volunteer fire service. Also present at the awards ceremony was the mayor of the Konz district, Joachim Weber, who warmly thanked the volunteers for their commitment.

Photo: Award for twelve firefighters from the VG Konz (© Landkreis Trier-Saarburg)
The award for 35 years was given to: Johannes Blau (FF Pellingen), Stefan Hagen (FF Filzen-Hamm), Ralf Hermesdorf (FF Oberbillig), Udo Marxen (FF Konz-Niedermennig), Dieter Schellen (FF Pellingen), Gerd Schünemann (FF Pellingen), Markus Steier (FF Tawern), Björn Steinfeld (FF Tawern) and Gerd Stoffel (FF Tawern).
The award for 45 years was given to: Helmut Dostert (FF Wellen), Wolfgang Permesang (Filzen-Hamm); Wilhelm Steinmetz (FF Wellen).