life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Europe – what’s next?

Europe – what’s next? - The Political Salon Konz invites you to a discussion

Europe has voted. On the one hand there was jubilation, on the other there were long faces. But in addition to emotions, the result also has very practical consequences for political work at the European level with drastic effects for all of us. At the moment - or so it seems - the main issue in Europe is posts, positions and privileges. The political consequences of the election results often take a back seat. But these are precisely the ones that are at the centre of the next Event of the Konz Political Salon on July 7th on the topic "Europe - What's next? Conclusions from and assessments of the election results". What does the result mean for politics at the European level (presumably) in the coming years? What do we expect from the European Parliament? What fears and hopes do we associate with Europe? How does politics actually work in Europe? And how will it work under the new majority in the European Parliament.

The event offers basic information about everyday political business in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg and presents theses on future developments as well as personal perceptions of Europe for discussion. It also deals with concrete expectations of European politics, which are to be passed on to the region's representatives in the European Parliament. As is customary in the events of the Political Salon Konz, which have been taking place at irregular intervals for years, the two-hour event begins with Event on July 7, 2024 at 11 a.m. The venue is the Konzer-Doktor-Bürgersaal in Wiltingerstraße in Konz. Afterwards, as usual, there is the opportunity to end the discussions in an informal setting with a glass of wine, juice or sparkling water.

The offer is supported by the Partnership for Democracy in the Konz municipality and funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program "Living Democracy!".