Federal program “Living Democracy!” will be continued!
The Partnership for Democracy in the Konz municipality will also receive financial support in the third funding period 2025-2032 of the federal program "Living Democracy!" to carry out local activities. Over the past ten years, several projects have already been supported and many participants have been reached.
For the third funding period, the leading office of the Konz municipal administration is advertising the following program elements from January 1, 2025:
- Sponsorship of the Youth Forum and management of the funds from the Youth Fund
- Advice and support, particularly in the areas of public relations, participation and networking)
- Preparation of a situation and resource analysis
Interested sponsors are requested to send an email to Demokratie-Leben@konz.de To express interest and submit a meaningful application. The task description for all four program elements can be found in the guidelines of the federal program, which can be found at https://www.demokratie-leben.de/demokratie-leben-2025/bundesprogramm-demokratie-leben-ab-2025/programmbereich-partnerships-fuer-demokratie Further information can be obtained from the responsible office (Konz Municipal Administration, Department 4 S).