Wawern & Konz-Oberemmel: Construction work for broadband expansion completed
Private households and businesses from Wawern and Konz-Oberemmel can now surf the Internet via modern fiber optic cables. Representatives of the Konz municipality, the local community and the district as well as Westconnect GmbH today gave the official go-ahead for the broadband network. A total of around 1,100 households and businesses in Wawern and Konz-Oberemmel can benefit from the gigabit connections. The new fiber optic network offers transmission rates of up to 1,000 megabits per second.
Joachim Weber, Mayor of the Konz municipality, said: "A future-proof broadband supply is of central importance today and a significant investment in future-proof digital infrastructure. This is a decisive advantage for the competitiveness and quality of life in our region. Fast internet access is of great importance to most people and increases the attractiveness of the region as a residential and commercial location in the long term. That is why we are pleased that with Westconnect we are also expanding fast internet in other local communities in the Konz municipality."
After around 15 months of intensive construction in Konz-Oberemmel and eight months of construction work in Wawern, the civil engineering work for the fast, stable and sustainable internet in both locations has been completed: A total of 27 kilometers of pipe bundles for fiber optic cables were laid and control cabinets were erected. Christian Nathem, municipal manager at Westenergie, explained: "When expanding the fast internet, we are not just limiting ourselves to the interests of the larger cities and municipalities, but are looking at providing coverage across the entire supply area. We hope all citizens enjoy the new fast internet."
For the infrastructure project, the distribution network operator Westnetz GmbH was responsible for laying the fiber optic cables on behalf of Westconnect GmbH. Westconnect GmbH is responsible for expanding the broadband network in cities and municipalities. Customers in the expansion area are addressed and suitable broadband products are sold under the “E.ON Highspeed” brand by E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH. All private households and businesses in Wawern and Konz-Oberemmel who have not yet booked a tariff can register at the website https://eon-highspeed.com/glasfaser-produkte Find out about the attractive E.ON high-speed products and select the tariff that suits you best.

The following people came together in Oberemmel for the commissioning (from left): Dominik Bosl (Westnetz), Christian Nathem (Westenergie), Joachim Weber (Mayor of the Konz Municipality) and Hermann-Josef Benzkirch (Mayor of Oberemmel).

From left: In Wawern, Dominik Bosl (Westnetz), Christian Nathem (Westenergie), Hedi Britten-Kuborn, Karl-Peter Binz (both from the local community of Wawern) and Joachim Weber (Konz collective municipality) are pleased about the completion of the broadband expansion. Photos: David Kryszons/Westnetz