life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Trees for friendship

Trees for friendship - partnership tree inaugurated in Charny

The partnership committee of the Könen local council, as well as many interested Könen residents and a group of table tennis players from FC Könen of all generations celebrated the meeting and the inauguration of the partnership tree in the French partner municipality of Charny last weekend. Around forty friends of the partnership who travelled from Germany especially for the occasion, as well as representatives of the Könen local council with the chairman of the partnership committee, Peter Wincheringer, took part in the unveiling of the memorial plaque together with the residents of Charny on Sunday. This symbol of friendship seals the town twinning founded in 1970. This tree, a pedunculate oak, is identical to the one that was planted in Könen in July last year. This symbolic and permanent anchoring is important because the challenges of European coexistence are no longer the same as they were 50 years ago - back then it was about reconciliation - today it is about maintaining our common strengths in personal, economic, cultural and sporting exchange.

Friendship cannot be bought - you have to live it!

The inauguration, at which the mayor of Charny-Orée-de-Puisaye, Élodie Ménard, and the departmental councillor Irène Eulriet and local mayor Max Daveau, the chair of the French partnership committee Partica Mery, and Peter Wincheringer also explained the importance of the partnership in practice, was rounded off with the blessing of the tree and the playing of the two national anthems by the Charny music association. The political representatives of the municipalities also referred to the importance and symbolic significance shortly before the European elections in July. "On the eve of the European elections in June, it is good to remember that we must strengthen our bonds between people. Friendships are fragile, nothing can be taken for granted," explained Patricia Mery.

On the sidelines of the event, a friendly meeting was held between the table tennis players from Könen and the table tennis department of the Sportunion Charny-Orée-de-Puisaye.

The further cultural exchange was rounded off on Saturday with a joint city trip to Sancerre and its sightseeing.

Watch the video here.