life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

We are Moselle heroes 2023!

We are Moselle heroes 2023!

In the competition of the regional initiative "Fascination of the Mosel", the project "With a wheelchair bike on a barrier-free tour around Konz" was able to prevail against 45 competitors and convince the expert jury.

Together with Saar-Obermosel-Touristik, the city of Konz purchased a modern and comfortable wheelchair bike with an electric motor and established an uncomplicated and sustainable rental service.

The front part of the bike can be uncoupled and then used as a wheelchair to move around, e.g. during a listening tour on the barrier-free circular path around the Karthaus monastery or for a tour of the Roscheider Hof open-air museum with the augmented reality app, which also provides virtual access for people with walking disabilities the houses on steep and uneven terrain.

Lebenshilfe Trier-Saarburg e.V. in Konz was found as a cooperation partner to handle the rental.

If the wheelchair bike is not currently available for rental, it can also be used by residents of the dormitories/Lebenshilfe employees. Sustainable use is therefore guaranteed.

With the project, everyone can now enjoy a bike tour in our beautiful holiday region in the spirit of inclusion.

Info and booking:

Lebenshilfe Trier-Saarburg

Granastr. 113

54329 conc

Tel. 06501-92740


Here are some impressions from the award ceremony at the Moselle Congress in Kröv: