New trade association for the Konz municipality?
Konz, September 27, 2023
“Together we are stronger” – this is how one could briefly summarize the conclusion of this year’s business reception in Konz. A variety of companies from the association community discussed ways in which they could pool their strengths in a VG-wide trade association in order to meet the challenges of the future.
The background to the topic is the current situation of Konz city marketing. At the moment the work is on hold because no board has been found for the association. The retailers and the municipal administration therefore believe that a realignment of city marketing in the form of a broad-based trade association makes sense. Not only retailers, but also craft businesses and other companies should benefit from this.
That is why the city of Konz, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Trier Chamber of Crafts placed the topic at the center of the 2023 Business Reception in the Roscheider Hof. Around 70 representatives from local companies came on Monday evening to initially find out about a best practice example. Stefan Bohl from the Bitburg trade association presented the work, successful campaigns and structures of his association - a concept that was enthusiastic.

Photo (from left to right): Matthias Schwalbach (Trier Chamber of Crafts), Silvia Menzel (Trier Sparkasse), Barbara Musche (Volvo Construction Equipment), moderator Thomas Vatheuer, Mayor Joachim Weber, Albrecht Ehses (Trier Chamber of Industry and Commerce), Stephan Holbach (former city marketing), Alfons Jochem (Volksbank Trier), Jürgen Thelen (Elenz company)
After the lecture, several companies immediately showed interest in setting up a new one and working in such an association for the municipality of Konz. Representatives from Volvo Baumaschinen, the Sparkasse and Volksbank Trier, the Elenz construction company and the former city marketing department discussed the first steps with moderator Thomas Vatheuer, to advance the project and the advantages that such cooperation could have, e.g. planning joint career orientation fairs in Konz to address the shortage of skilled workers.
The IHK and Chamber of Crafts offered their expertise to further develop the idea and Mayor Joachim Weber assured the administration's support.
At the end of the evening, more than 20 companies had expressed interest in working in a VG-wide trade association. The next step will be a workshop with those interested.
Anyone who would like to take part in the project with their company can contact the email address: