Malu Dreyer thanks Wasserliescherin for her voluntary work
Once a year the State Chancellery opens its doors to volunteers. This time the focus was primarily on people who support those affected by the war in Ukraine and for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Elke Zimmer from Wasserliesch was also there. At the suggestion of the Konz municipality, she was nominated for the reception because she is particularly committed to refugees.

Photo: The delegation from the Trier-Saarburg district with Elke Zimmer (second row, far right) at the citizens' reception 2023 / c) State Chancellery RLP/ Sämmer
Elke Zimmer is currently looking after almost 70 people in the shared accommodation in Konz, coordinating, among other things, doctor's appointments, helping with homework and being on hand when applications need to be filled out. The Wasserliescherin has been active on a voluntary basis in the Konz municipality for years.