Digitization of primary schools in VG Konz continues
December 14, 2023
The last funding is here! This means that the digital modernization of the primary schools in the Konz municipality as part of the digital pact has now been officially completed. The last work in the classrooms was carried out a year ago. VG Konz is therefore one of the fastest municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate when it comes to implementation.
The primary schools have been equipped with the latest cabling, fast internet, modern displays and iPads. In total, the city and VG Konz received around 648,000 euros in funding from the federal government.

Photo: Mayor Joachim Weber and the deputy of VG Konz, Guido Wacht, visiting the Wasserliesch primary school. School principal Adelheid Löwenbrück and the coordinator for digital education, Martina Koch, presented the two of them with the new display, which is used as a digital board.
Initially, this funding was not enough for all primary schools. “But it was important to us that there were no differences and that everyone had the same level of technology,” explains Mayor Joachim Weber during a visit to the Wasserliesch elementary school. “That’s why VG Konz has of course closed the financial gap.”
And that’s not all: “Now we want to push digitalization even further – even without a funding program,” adds Joachim Weber. “Every year we will equip schools with even more iPads. Because children come into contact with digital media at an increasingly early age, it is important to provide educational support for this interaction as early as possible.”