Event series "Healthy in old age" - exercise-activating walk for seniors"
After the success of the "Healthy in old age" series last year, there is a new edition this year. Events on the topics of fall prevention, brain training, exercise and healthy eating are offered from March to June.
The series of events is organized by the community nurse Plus, the Konz care base and the Konz-Karthaus district management. Cooperation partners at the events include the district’s Health Promotion and Prevention Unit and the AOK Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland. Participation in the events is free of charge. However, prior registration is required.
"Life needs encounters - exercise-activating walk for seniors"
A walk is both: an experience for the senses and exercise, get some fresh air and all that in good company. In order to get your mobility going again, we would like to invite you to a moderate walk in the Karthaus monastery park. With light movement exercises in between we want to improve strength and endurance and train our balance. Sportswear is not required. Prior registration is necessary. Participation is at your own risk.
Monday, May 15, 3-4:30 p.m
Konz-Karthaus Monastery Park
Movement companion: Angela Veneziano, community nurse plus
Registration until May 10th. per email to veneziano.angela@caritas-region-trier.de or by telephone on 0171 86 81 646
Other event:
Lecture “Healthy nutrition to prevent typical diseases of old age”
Thursday, June 22, 3-5 p.m
Location: DRK Konz, district association office, Brunostraße 25, 54329 Konz
Speaker: Marion Heinz, health coach AOK
Registration until June 17th. per email to veneziano.angela@caritas-region-trier.de or by telephone on 0171 86 81 646