"Concert Wine Enjoyment 2023" as a prelude to the homeland and wine festival
May 09, 2023
At the Konzer Heimat- und Weinfest, thousands of visitors flock to the wine stands over several days. This year there will also be a smaller and more personal event to kick off the popular, large traditional event in July. Two weeks before the homeland and wine festival, on June 30, 2023, the city invites you to the "WeinGenuss Concert". The historic inner courtyard of the Roscheider Hof open-air museum offers a special ambience as an outdoor event location.

Photo: Venue with a special ambience - the historic inner courtyard of the Roscheider Hof
After a welcome champagne, there will be a wine tasting with six renowned wines from the region. Delicious dishes with meat, fish and vegan options are cooked at various live cooking stations and dessert is served. In addition to the included tasting, more wine is available for purchase. The PORTA JAZZBAND provides the musical accompaniment, creating an atmospheric feel-good ambience with subtle easy listening, groovy funk and expressive soul music.
As an additional highlight, the guests get an insight into winegrowing on the Saar and Upper Moselle. Because: the wines of the evening come from the first "Young Winegrowers of the Year", a competition that took place in the years 2016 to 2019 as part of the Konzer Heimat- und Weinfest. Also present: Peter Greif from Tawern-Fellerich (Peter Greif Winery), Stefan Müller from Konz-Krettnach (Stefan Müller Winery) and Max Frieden from Nittel (Friedens-Berg Winery). Also on board is Jonas Kirchen Weingut Agritiushof Oberemmel.
Mayor Joachim Weber will talk to the former young winegrowers on stage about their profession: How has winegrowing changed since 2016? How have the winemakers developed professionally? And how do you see the future?
Tickets for the "Konzer WeinGenuss 2023" at 7 p.m. in the courtyard of the open-air museum in Roscheid cost 49 euros. Reservations can be made by email at: johannes.peters@konz.de . For telephone inquiries you can reach Johannes Peters on: 06501 83-192.