Mayor visits Konzer school class in social studies class
Conc, 01/19/2023
How does local democracy work? And how does a municipal administration work? These and similar questions are currently the subject of the social studies curriculum for a ninth grade high school in Konz. And who better to answer questions than the mayor of the city and community. That is why Joachim Weber attended a class lesson. The students learned first-hand about the possibilities of local politics and where they reach their limits.

Photo: Mayor Joachim Weber visiting social studies class, where he answers questions from the ninth graders.
The students had prepared themselves intensively and asked appropriately well-founded questions. In times of fake news and often blurred boundaries between facts and opinions, the schoolchildren got “information without filters” from the mayor. It was not only about general questions such as the procedure of Council meetings. The students also asked Joachim Weber about specific projects in Konz, for example the plans for fiber optic expansion and the supermarket site at the Rewe roundabout.
The mayor answered all questions and was pleased with the commitment of the young people. “I think it's great that the students deal with local politics. A lot of circumstances that are important for the young people are not decided by the Bundestag in Berlin, but by the local councils on site.”