1. Call for funding for the submission of LEADER projects
The motto "People - Region - Europe - further on the way to the common region in the border triangle Germany-Luxembourg-France" is the mission statement of the Local Action Group (LAG) Moselfranken for the new funding period 2023-2029. In order to further advance our region together, attractive LEADER funding is available for innovative projects!
Who can submit applications for LEADER funding?
The funding rates of the approved LEADER development strategy of the LAG Moselfranken apply:
- Public providers (basic funding: 60%, premium funding: 70%)
- Non-profit organizations (basic funding: 50%, premium funding: 80%)
- Private grant recipients (basic funding: 40%, premium funding: 50%)
- Projects of the LAG (basic funding: 65%, premium funding: 75%)
What can be funded?
- The decisive factor for selecting a project idea is how well it advances the region and supports the implementation of our LEADER development strategy.
- The project must be assigned to one or more fields of action of the LEADER development strategy Moselfranken:
- Grow together economically
- Strengthen social cohesion
- Preserving livelihoods together
- Develop neighborhood region together
How does the application and selection process work?
- It is recommended that you contact the LAG office before submitting an application and seek advice on the basic eligibility of the project idea for funding.
- A project profile including additional appendices must be submitted to the LAG office by the end of the project call. The LAG office then checks the submitted documents for completeness.
- The members of the LAG Moselfranken evaluate all completed and eligible projects in a joint meeting, determining a score and the funding rate for each project. The LAG members rank the projects evaluated and select the projects according to the budget available.
- After a positive selection decision, the official LEADER funding application can finally be submitted to the Approval Office for the Supervisory and Service Directorate (ADD). For this purpose, the project management agency has a maximum of 6 months after the selection decision by the LAG members. If an application is not submitted by the deadline, the project-related project selection will be canceled and the funding may be forfeited.
Important key data for the 1st call for projects
Subsidy budget: 384,894.42
(of which €284,894.42 EAFRD funds, €100,000.00 state funds)
*The state funds are subject to budgetary approval and are primarily available for private and cross-border projects. Secondarily, state funds can be used to finance public projects.
- Start of the call: July 1, 2023
- End of call: September 15, 2023
- Submission deadline for project profiles: September 15, 2023, 11:59 p.m
- Date of project selection by the LAG: October 12, 2023
Content of the call: Projects can be submitted for all fields of action of the LEADER development concept Moselfranken-Miselerland 2023-2029.
The applicable project selection criteria, the LEADER development strategy and the important project profile can be found on our website at www.lag-moselfranken.de/vordrucke-information/ - alternatively you can request these documents from the LEADER office.
Regional contacts
Project sponsors are recommended to get in touch with one of the following contacts at the LEADER office in Moselfranken before completing and submitting their project profile:
- Matthias Faß at the Saarburg-Kell municipal administration
(Tel. 06581 81-165; email: lag-moselfranken@saarburg-kell.de )
- Katharina Boettcher at the municipal administration of Trier-Land
(Tel. 0651 9798-133; Email: katharina.boettcher@trier-land.de )
Office for submitting applications
Local Action Group (LAG) LEADER Moselfranken
c/o Saarburg-Kell municipal administration
Matthias Fass
Schlossberg 6, D-54439 Saarburg
Tel. 06581 81-165, fax 06581 81-320
e-mail: lag-moselfranken@saarburg-kell.de
Internet: www.lag-moselfranken.de
Please note that only completely and correctly filled out project profiles can be included in the project selection!