Elementary school student paints Christmas card motif for the mayor
Konz-Oberemmel, December 22, 2022
A starry winter night and a decorated tree in the forest with colorful lights and a glowing poinsettia as the top. This motif adorns this year's Christmas card from the mayor of the Konz municipality. It was painted by Rebecca Oosterbosch from the third grade of the Konz-Oberemmel primary school.

Photo: This picture of elementary school student Rebecca is the subject of this year's Mayor's Christmas card.
The picture is part of a painting competition launched by the Konzer-Doktor-Bürgerstiftung. Every year, children from a different primary school paint creative Christmas pictures. The classmates then decide for themselves which three pictures the mayor should get. This in turn selects the final motif for his card.

Photo: Mayor Joachim Weber and Jürgen Große from the Konzer-Doktor-Bürgerstiftung thank the students Julia Große and Rebecca Oosterbosch for taking part in the painting competition.
“All the pictures were really very nice. As every year, the choice was not easy for me with so much talent,” emphasizes Mayor Joachim Weber. During a visit to the elementary school, he personally thanked the little artists. As a Christmas present, the whole class that took part in the competition received a small financial thank you for the class fund.