filmfriend - A stream comes true!

With filmfriend, the library card becomes a passport that enables discoveries into the wide world of film: lots of feature films, documentaries and children's films for free on or on the television.
filmfriend is an online streaming service specially designed for public libraries. The constantly expanding and editorially supervised film catalog ranges from German films to successful international art house cinema titles, TV and cinema documentaries, mainstream titles, children's films and series as well as series for adults.
Convince yourself of the great variety.
You have access to over 3,500 videos and can look forward to around 20 new films every month. The offer can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, easily across devices via computer, tablet, smartphone or TV. You can register from home or on the go with your library card and password. The age rating for children is automatically checked when registering on filmfriend.
An app for Apple iOS and Android mobile devices is available AppStore and at google play available. Offline use through film downloads is possible.