Groundbreaking ceremony for the redesign of the banks of the Saar in Konz
Conc, July 13, 2022
The banks of the Saar are being upgraded. Mayor Joachim Weber invited representatives of the Trier landscape architecture office BGH Plan and the construction company Wacht to a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony. Preparations for the measure will begin next week.

Photo: (from left to right): Horst Voeste (Wacht company), Kai Catrein (head of civil engineering office), Gunnar Platz (Wacht company), Guido Wacht (first deputy), Joachim Weber (mayor), Thomas Molter (civil engineering office) and Pia Marx (BGH Plan)
In the next few months, a facility with wide seating levels will be built in the area next to the bridge. These invite you to linger – with a view of the river. Similar terraces already exist in Trier and Wittlich. A ramp will be built next to the steps for barrier-free access and the cycle path will be widened to four meters.
"The redesigned bank will create a better quality of stay, both for citizens and for tourists," says Mayor Joachim Weber. "In addition, the entrance to the town will appear more modern and inviting than before."

Photo: Visualization of the BGH Plan – Environmental Planning and Landscape Architecture GmbH
First of all, felling work has to take place in the coming week in preparation for the construction work. The trees in the affected area were checked, but not all can be preserved: five trees are felled - not only because of the construction work, but also because they are infested with a fungus imported from Asia. Everyone involved will do their utmost to preserve a weeping willow that characterizes the townscape.
During the construction work, cycle traffic in this area will be routed via Saarstrasse, and the cycle path along the bank must be closed. At a later point in time, a half-way closure of Saarstrasse will probably be necessary for around two weeks; a traffic light will be set up. The administration asks for your understanding and will inform you shortly before the half-way closure is set up.
The redesign of the banks of the Saar is a first step in the Saarstrasse. After this is completed, the State Office for Mobility (LBM) will expand the further course of the road and the cycle path.