life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Who burns for the Moselle?

Who burns for the Moselle? Appeal from the regional initiative for the Brenner Day in the Moselle region: Volunteers wanted!

In cooperation with the "Brenner am Miselerland" association, the "Fascination Mosel" regional initiative is organizing the "The Mosel is burning / D`Miselerland is burning" burner day on the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd, 2022 in the entire Moselle region.

In addition to viticulture, the art of distilling has also shaped the cultural landscape of the Moselle region for several centuries. Distilling is a traditional cultural asset in the region that needs to be preserved and valued for tourism. Also this year, the regional initiative will expand the "D'Miselerland distillery day" for the fruit distillers in the German-speaking Moselle region, which has been introduced on the Luxembourg Moselle for more than ten years. In this way, the distillers can present, get to know, exchange ideas and network with their products to customers across the border.

For the weekend of the event, we are looking for fine fruit distillers who will open their distilleries to visitors and offer tastings and products for sale.

There are no limits to creativity when it comes to designing an attractive programme: farm festivals with visits to the distilleries, guided tours, concerts, lectures, so-called "hat talks", hikes, art exhibitions and typical Moselle culinary specialties are conceivable, for example.

The regional initiative "Fascination Moselle" calls on all Moselle distillers to take part in the Brenner Day in October and to open their doors to locals and guests in the region. The opening hours are as follows: Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The event is advertised centrally by the regional initiative; the participants will not incur any costs for this.

Registrations with detailed information on the planned event are possible until August 31, 2022 with the regional initiative "Faszination Mosel", email:

The project is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate and the European Agricultural Fund for the Development of Rural Areas.