Drink!Water Week 2022
The local action group (LAG) LEADER Miselerland/Moselfranken has planned several events
Every year, World Water Day on March 22 reminds us of the great importance of water and draws attention to the advantages and challenges associated with cool water.
The local action group (LAG) LEADER Miselerland/Moselfranken even organized a whole drinking!water week 2022. Several events are planned, including an exhibition at “A Wiewesch” Manternach, a guided hike and a trip to the water knowledge center in Kempfeld.
the guided water hike on Saturday, March 26th, 2022 goes six kilometers along the Syr through the nature reserve "Manternmacher Fiels". On the way, learn how water shapes our landscape, how it was used today and in earlier times and gain an insight into the "river landscape" habitat. Please remember to wear sturdy shoes. Prior registration at jana.ney@miserland.lu
On Sunday, March 27th, 2022, there will be a trip to the Wasserwisswerk in Kempfeld . In the interactive exhibition, visitors can take a tour of everything they need to know about “water extraction” and “water treatment”. It also shows how water is distributed in the region and how worthy of protection our limited and valuable resource is. If you want, you can go on a rally or experiment in the WaterLab. There is also a water playground.
Arrival is by bus and is limited to 30 participants. Departure from Remich: 10.30 a.m., departure from Saarburg: 11.00 a.m., return trip to Kemperfeld at 5.00 p.m. Registration takes place at: jana.ney@miserland.lu. Registration fee: 10 euros. One dish per person is included in the price, drinks have to be paid for by yourself.
All events at a glance: