New wind turbines in Pellingen officially inaugurated - plants can supply all private households in the Konz municipality with electricity
Pellingen, June 21, 2022
They have been in operation since last year - but due to Corona, the three new wind turbines in Pellingen could only now be officially inaugurated.
At the event, Mayor Joachim Weber pointed out the long road that had to be taken before these wind turbines could be built. As early as October 2014, the municipal council decided on criteria for wind power in the VG Konz when the land use plan was partially updated. However, due to a change in the state's specifications for wind power, the plans had to be changed shortly before completion, so that the final decisions could not be made until the end of 2017. Two years later, the wind turbines in Pellingen were approved and construction began the following year.
Mayor Weber thanked the members of the municipal council who had come to the inauguration and, of course, also praised the cooperation with the local community of Pellingen and WEAG Power GmbH & Co. KG, which brought their know-how from 20 years of experience with them from the start of planning.
Lutz Gubernator from WEAG returned his thanks and also took those present on a journey through time: first to the summer of 2020, when archaeological excavations on the site unearthed finds from the pre-Roman period and charcoal remains from 9000 BC. came to light. Then he recalled the spectacular transport of the rotors for the turbines through Zerf last summer.
In addition, the company founder Lutz Gubernator calculated: The three new wind turbines generate more electricity than all private individuals in the Konz municipality consume at home. They thus make an important contribution to supplying the region with renewable energies.
And finally there was a deeper insight into how the wind turbines work. Those present were able to enter the interior of a wind turbine. Here some impressions: