Invitation to the opening event of the village renewal
On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, the village moderation will start in Temmels!
During the village moderation, a future concept for the further development of our community should be created through the participation and help of the citizens!
Together with the residents, the strengths of Temmels should be worked out, problems discussed and possible solutions pointed out. As many social groups as possible (children, young people, adults, seniors, clubs, etc.) in the village should be addressed and encouraged to develop ideas and suggestions. All citizens are therefore called upon to express their assessments, ideas and wishes for the development of the village of Temmels!
You yourself know our community best and can help determine the direction of how Temmels should develop in the years to come!
We therefore cordially invite you to the opening event of the village moderation
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 7:00 p.m
in the community center Temmels!
In addition, Ms. Julia Kaiser from the commissioned planning office "stadttalk" from Kaiserslautern will provide information about the village renewal in our community and the further course of the procedure. Another focus of the event is the presentation of the results of the questionnaire campaign that was recently carried out in Temmels.
Come and take the opportunity to actively participate in the further development of our homeland!
Village renewal thrives on participation! We hope for your support and look forward to actively shaping the village renewal process in Temmels with you!