Official Journal & Konzer Rundschau

Official Journal & Konzer Rundschau

An official journal is a medium used by government agencies or public bodies for legally required notices. The official publication organ (so-called "Official Gazette" ) of the city and associated municipality of Konz is the Trier folk friend .

In addition, we work with WITTICH Media KG in Föhren together at the " Konzer Rundschau ", which appears every Friday and is distributed free of charge to all households in the VG. The "Konzer Rundschau" contains press releases and important information from the municipal administration, the city and the local communities, other authorities, the clubs, facilities and institutions and the churches.

Articles from the current issue of the Konzer Rundschau from Wittich Verlag - sorted by categories/places.

source reference
The content presented here
come from the official and bulletin of the
Wittich publishing house (,
which changes at regular intervals
automatically synchronized with this homepage.