Social cohesion - Konz Karthaus
"Alliance for Social Urban Development in Rhineland-Palatinate"
The city of Konz joined the "Alliance for Social Urban Development in Rhineland-Palatinate" in 2013. Since 1999, the Federal Government has supported the stabilization and upgrading of urban, economically and socially disadvantaged and structurally weak parts of towns and districts with the "Social City" urban development promotion programme.
You can find more general information about the Social City on the following website:
A new project for Konz-Karthaus - Social City
The project Social City Konz-Karthaus has been worked on by the administration since 2011.
After in the summer of 2012 a district management with Mr Dominik Schnith established as district manager, the project has also had its own website since October 2012. Mr. Schnith can be reached at 06501-9458252 at Karthäuserstraße 64.
Current information about ongoing projects, events and the opening times of the district office can be found on the web at
There you can also find the previously published district newspapers download.
What happened until now
In 2010, the city of Konz submitted an application for inclusion in the federal and state program "Social City".
This program can be used in parts of the city / districts with special development needs in order to carry out stabilization and upgrading measures. The approach of the Social City program is very broad and integrative in terms of content. The program finds its legal basis in the Building Code (§ 171e) - "special urban planning law"
The measures can relate to structural, urban planning areas and the living environment, to the labor market, the integration of migrants, the area of young people or older people, the networking of existing offers, health and much more. This makes it possible to work in a goal-oriented manner depending on the problem situation in the respective district.
In order to create a rapid entry into the program, the city council passed a resolution on January 25, 2011 on the provisional demarcation of the area and the initiation of preparatory investigations and the integrated action and development concept.
On March 1st, 2011 the order was given to the Office for City Consulting Dr. Fries, Ostfildern, so that the conceptual work could be started at short notice. The city of Konz set up a steering group to accompany and control the process. The involvement and information of citizens is of great importance. So became Dominik Schnith established as a district manager in the district as a permanent contact for the citizens and existing institutions.
From April to November 2011, the preparatory investigations (VU) on which the Integrated development concept (IEK) carried out and is the basis for the measures carried out today in Konz-Karthaus.
In July 2015, the IEK experienced a first partial update , which the city council approved in August 2015. This update was necessary in order to adapt the concept to the developments in the program area that have taken place in recent years.
The action program of the integrated development concept is reviewed annually and an application is made to the state for funding. About 5-10 new projects are started every year.
Funding notice
The Social City program is funded by the federal and state governments with 75% of the costs.