Fiber optic or broadband supply


Fiber optic supply

Fiber optic or broadband supply in the VG Konz

The digital infrastructure is that Backbone of digitalization and fundamental prerequisite to the to enable and help shape digital change. Therefore, the federal government’s goal is to have nationwide all households with fiber optic connections. This enables bandwidths of 1,000 Mbps.

The expansion is carried out by various telecommunications companies; the Konz municipality is only responsible for the technical supervision. (Contact:

  • What has happened so far?

    In 2018/2019, the entire Trier-Saarburg district was expanded through the so-called "White Spots Program." The goal was to provide all households, schools, and kindergartens with at least 50 Mbps, if this was not already the case. Commercial areas were also provided with the necessary coverage.

  • What is the current status of broadband expansion? (March 2025)

    Following the expansion via the “White Spots Program” in 2018/2019, some telecommunications providers have pushed ahead with fiber optic expansion on their own, even without subsidies.

    The local communities Pellingen, Nittel and Wawern were completely upgraded with fiber optics. Likewise, the Konz Tälchen, Konz-Kommlingen and Oberemmel.

    Such an expansion is currently taking place in the City of Konz (parts of the city center and Karthaus) as well as in Temmels by Glasfaserplus (a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG). In Tawern The expansion work is underway by Westconnect/Eon.

    The local communities Wasserliesch, Oberbillig, Onsdorf and Wiltingen are also to be expanded by Westconnect/Eon.

    In Kanzem, Konz-Könen, Konz-Filzen /Hamm there is currently no interest in the commercial expansion.

  • A look into the future

    Municipalities that have not been or will not be supplied with fiber optic networks on their own will be connected through the "Gray Areas Program." This program will subsidize all connections that do not currently achieve download speeds of, for example, 300 Mbps. Applications are currently being accepted; funds are limited.

The Broadband Atlas of the Federal Network Agency Uses interactive maps to show which bandwidths and technologies are available in the municipalities.