Oberbillig - "Römerberg"

building in conc

Oberbillig - "Römerberg"

Oberbillig - "Römerberg"

On this page we would like to give you all the information available regarding the construction area "Römerberg" the Municipality of Oberbillig make available in bundles.

If you have any questions, the contact persons in the various departments listed on this page will be happy to help you.

Construction area "Römerberg - Oberbillig

The present urban planning includes the formation of around 25 building plots for residential development. An area in which semi-detached houses are concentrated is to be located in the eastern part of the planning area. Single and semi-detached houses can be built further west. A phased development is not planned, however, the plots of land are not to be sold in their entirety in the short term after obtaining planning rights. The municipality intends to sell approx. 4-5 plots of land per year - preferably to families from Oberbillig - so that there is potential for building land available in the medium term. It is planned to build on plot sizes between approx. 328 m² and 625 m² (for semi-detached houses) and 528 m² and 736 m² (for single houses).

Location of the building area:

If you have any questions about the construction area, please do not hesitate to contact the contact person (left column).

Further information

  • development plan

    The development plan contains stipulations that relate, for example, to the type and extent of structural use, the plot areas that can be built on and the local traffic areas. The current development plan for the "Römerberg" building area and other documents can be found below:

  • development

    The municipality is currently concretizing the development plans further, this can be completed by mid-2022, so that the development of the building area can then be put out to tender.

    All development will be through the community.

  • prospect list

    If you are interested, please fill out the form below and send it to us by email info@oberbillig.de

  • All available documents for the construction area: