Current procedures

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Sub-area “Schloss Temmels” development plan

“Schloss Temmels” development plan

Local community of Temmels, sub-area “Schloss Temmels” development plan in accelerated procedure according to § 13 b BauGB

Conversion of the procedure from Section 215 a BauGB - renewed participation of the public in accordance with Section 3 Para. 2 BauGB

A project developer approached the local community of Temmels to build four more residential buildings within the wall ring of the castle complex in line with the previous historical complex. A total of 51 apartments are to be created. The local council therefore decided on October 16, 2019 to draw up a development plan. The development plan procedure was carried out in accordance with Section 13b of the German Building Code (development plan in an accelerated procedure). The procedure according to Section 13 b of the German Building Code is no longer permissible according to a ruling by the Federal Administrative Court in 2023. The documents were therefore revised to enable legally compliant planning. An environmental report with green space planning and environmental impact assessment and an intervention/compensation balance were prepared. According to the decision of the local council on June 5, 2024, the planning procedure was switched to the new procedure according to Section 215 a of the German Building Code. This means that the former Section 13 b procedures can still be completed by the end of 2024. The exact demarcation can be seen in the attached plan. The development situation is also regulated in an urban development contract between the project developer and the municipality. The current planning documents will be available from

02 September 2024 to 02 October 2024

during general office hours in the Konz municipal administration, Am Markt 11, 54329 Konz, in Room 76, Administration Building II. Citizens have the opportunity to find out about the proposed planning and to comment on it. Suggestions can be submitted in writing or recorded. General office hours are: Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Appointments can be made by telephone on 06501/83-181 or 180, contact Mr. Queins or, as a representative, Mr. Gerards, even outside of general office hours. At the same time, the relevant documents and this announcement will also be published on this page.

The following documents are in the disclosure process, some of which are environmental-related (in brackets):

During the public display, attention was drawn to the impact on areas at risk of flooding, as well as to the necessary coordination of the retention areas with the WSA and the acoustic impacts.

It should be noted that comments not submitted in a timely manner may not be taken into account when making a decision on the development plan.