Current procedures

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Development plan of the city of Konz, sub-area "Local supply location area Schillerstraße/ An der Lichtsmühle"

Development plan procedure according to Section 13a of the German Building Code (BauGB) for the sub-area “Local supply location in the Schillerstraße/An der Lichtsmühle area”

Early public participation in accordance with Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the Building Code

At the city council meeting on July 16, 2024, the city of Konz closed the implementation of the early public participation in accordance with Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the Building Code for the draft development plan "Local supply location in the Schillerstrasse/An der Lichtsmühle area". The local supply location in the area of Schillerstrasse and An der Lichtsmühle was abandoned by the current operator at the end of 2020. The local supply location is defined and anchored in the retail concept of the city of Konz. This is to be retained in the future and should therefore be secured under planning law via a development plan. The city council therefore passed the resolution to prepare the development plan "Local supply location in the Schillerstrasse/An der Lichtsmühle area" at its meeting on June 30, 2020 and issued a corresponding change ban.

The procedure is carried out as a simplified procedure in accordance with Section 13 of the Federal Building Code. The announcement was made on July 14, 2020 in the official gazette, the Trierischer Volksfreund. A subsequent market is currently being considered. The city of Konz wants to create the planning requirements for the relocation of a local supply market in good time. According to the city's wishes, this should take place in a new building. The reasons for this can be seen on the one hand in the poor structural condition of the vacant former market but also in its peripheral positioning on the property at the urbanistically prominent corner of Schillerstrasse / Michael-Scherer-Strasse / An der Lichtsmühle. With the new building, the city wants to achieve a clear urban accentuation of this area in the city center, in which the new building will move closer to the streets and a binding two-story structure will be prescribed along Michael-Scherer-Strasse.

The early public participation for the development plan takes place in the period from

29.07. to 30.08.2024

at the Konz municipal administration, administration building II. The following documents are available:

The documents are also available for inspection at the VGV Konz in Room 62 during general office hours. These are Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can also arrange appointments outside of these hours with Mr. Queins / Ms. Greene by calling +49 6501 83-181 / 188. Citizens have the opportunity to submit suggestions in writing or for the record.

According to Section 4a Paragraph 6 of the BauGB, it is pointed out that statements that are not submitted in a timely manner may not be taken into account when making a decision on the development plan.