On this page you will find an overview of current participation procedures and blocking of changes in the city and associated municipality of Konz.
In particular, you will have access to the relevant documents of participation procedures within the framework of land use planning according to Sections 3 and 4 of the Building Code (authority participation and public participation) in order to find out about the measures and projects and to submit your opinion.
You can also use this page to find out about procedures if you do not have the public announcement organ of the city and municipality of Konz (Trierischer Volksfreund).
Formal Participation Procedures
In the case of formal participation, the parties involved (citizens, associations, other authorities) formulate statements, objections, concerns or suggestions and send them to the project developer. He is obliged to respond to all statements submitted as part of the so-called weighing process. He must examine their relevance for the procedure and take them into account accordingly.
At the federal level, citizen participation (public participation) in land use planning is regulated in the Building Code (BauGB) (§ 3). A two-stage citizen participation is planned there. It is divided into early public participation, during which public information events are often held, and public display, which usually takes place in the planning office. The early public participation is carried out with a first draft, often parallel to the participation of the authorities. The public display is the last step before the consideration and the Council decision.
Current participation procedures:
Development plan of the OG Tawern, project-related development plan with project and development plan (VEP) - "Construction of a grocery store"
3. Amendment to the development plan of the municipality of Wasserliesch, sub-area “Granahöhe industrial and commercial area”
Project-related development plan "Saarterrasse Konzerbrück" in the Konzer district of Könen
Development plan procedure according to Section 13a of the German Building Code (BauGB) for the sub-area “Local supply location in the Schillerstraße / An der Lichtsmühle area”
Preparation of a project-related development plan for the local community of Pellingen No. 10, sub-area “Wohnpark Trierer Straße”
Development plan of the city of Konz, section “motorhome parking space at the campsite”
Change in the land use plan of the VG Konz for the Metzenberg area in Tawern
Development plan of the city of Konz, sub-area "Domain Street"
change locks
One change lock is, according to Section 14 of the Building Code (BauGB), a security instrument with which municipalities temporarily refrain from issuing further building permits in a specific area. So there is a ban on structural changes in this area (= change lock ). The ban on changes is valid for two years from the entry into force of the articles of association. The period of time that has elapsed since the first deferment of a building application pursuant to Section 15, Paragraph 1 of the Building Code is counted towards the two-year period (Section 17, Paragraph 1 of the Building Code). After the period of 2 years has expired, the municipality can extend the period by one year, and after this year again by another year. The decision on the ban on changes and the decision on the extension of the ban on changes are published in the official gazette of the respective municipality.
Current change locks: