house of youth

The Haus der Jugend Konz (HdJ Konz) is an institution for open child and youth work in our sponsorship and has been a central contact point for a large number of children and young people in the city and associated municipality of Konz since 1977.
The youth center is not only a place for encounters and communication, but also a place for education and leisure activities.
Here the young people have enough space and time for their social and individual development. As part of various offers, projects and measures, the children and young people are encouraged to cope with age-appropriate developmental tasks, to contribute their own ideas, to help shape offers and to try out their own decision-making processes and patterns of action. In addition, they are supported on their way to independence and encouraged and guided towards social responsibility and social commitment.
The Haus der Jugend Konz offers a variety of activities for the various age groups. These include, among other things, group, media and nature adventure education as well as youth culture offers, creative and dance offers, the open youth café and various holiday camps, functions and events.
Further information on the offers of the “Haus der Jugend Konz” can be found on our facility’s website.