March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
11/16/2021 library How the city of Konz brings children closer to reading16.11.2021More than just a reading day in the city library of KonzRead more
11/15/2021 Memorial Day National day of mourning in Konz15.11.2021Mayor Weber and representatives of the VdK laid a wreathRead more
11/12/2021 elementary schools Konz-Karthaus: New building, new work of art12.11.2021Artist designed the exterior of the extension to the elementary schoolRead more
Dmitry Grechin09.11.2021 Art and culture International Organ Concerts Konz 202109.11.2021Russian concert organist Ekatherina Melninkova makes a guest appearance in St. NicholasRead more
Dominik Schnith11/08/2021 democracy life Shaping democracy together – Join now!08.11.2021"Promote democracy. Shape diversity. Prevent extremism." - these are the goals of the Partnership for Democracy (PfD) in the Konz municipality.Read more
11/08/2021 Regional Verbandsgemeinde Konz congratulates the “Moselhelden”08.11.2021Award for the "SAARKIND" project from WiltingenRead more
11/08/2021 Ko-Do bust Student family calendar 202208.11.2021A great gift for family and friendsRead more
11/08/2021 Culture Martin parades in the VG Konz08.11.2021Country adopts new rules for outdoor eventsRead more
11/08/2021 City Library Conc Friendship stories with Manfred Rath08.11.2021Reading day on November 19, 2021Read more