March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
03/03/2022 help Wanted: housing for Ukrainian war refugees03.03.2022The district and the associated municipality are pooling their effortsRead more
03/03/2022 environment Drink!Water Week 202203.03.2022The local action group (LAG) LEADER Miselerland/Moselfranken has planned several eventsRead more
02/28/2022 Road expansion "old town center" starts28.02.2022New sidewalks, roadways, parking areas and linesRead more
02/28/2022 Who burns for the Moselle?28.02.2022Appeal from the regional initiative for the Brenner Day in the Moselle region: Volunteers wanted!Read more
Dominik Schnith02/28/2022 Series of events: "United in diversity - discover and understand Europe!"28.02.2022An offer from the partnership for democracy in the municipality of KonzRead more
02/25/2022 EuRegio SaarLorLux +: General Assembly elects new President25.02.2022Mayor Weber resigns as chairman after three yearsRead more
02/25/2022 Lots of ideas for the Karthaus monastery25.02.2022City of Konz organizes "future workshop"Read more
02/22/2022 Classic on a Sunday afternoon in the monastery22.02.2022Concert with the "Trio Corleone"Read more
02/16/2022 City Library Konz: Promotion of reading despite the pandemic16.02.2022Livia Peterzelka wins the regional decision in the 2021/22 reading competitionRead more