March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
05/17/2022 Nittel: 480 additional gigabit connections in operation17.05.2022Fiber optic expansion took place throughout the local area, including the districts of Köllig and RehlingenRead more
05/11/2022 Clubs are happy about LEADER grants11.05.2022LAG Moselfranken gives the green light for 25 new projectsRead more
05/11/2022 New drinking water dispenser in conc11.05.2022At the push of a button, there is now free drinking water for everyoneRead more
05/10/2022 Konz: Mona Ameziane on June 24, 2022 in the Karthaus monastery10.05.2022The well-known author and radio presenter reads from her book "Auf Basidis Dach"Read more
05/06/2022 Konz: Sustainable heat and electricity from the sewage treatment plant06.05.2022Work could be completed earlier than plannedRead more
05/05/2022 Konz: The city's building yard is testing sustainable e-chargers05.05.2022Construction machinery manufacturer Volvo from Konz-Könen provides electric wheel loadersRead more
05/05/2022 Fiber optic network for the VG Konz: Tawern, Wasserliesch and Wiltingen05.05.2022German fiber optics starts bundling demandRead more
05/04/2022 Saar Pedal 2022 on May 15th04.05.2022Car-free cycling fun on the Saar from Konz to MerzigRead more
05/03/2022 Donations for the reading summer 202203.05.2022City library Konz receives 2,600 euros for children's and youth booksRead more